
Throughout my schooling I have found myself to be deeply interested in the ways in which we as humans interact with and across the land, particularly in the ways in which society interacts through and with the natural environment and its natural processes. To further my knowledge in this realm, I decided to purse a degree in Human Geography, as I believe it is important to understand the social context in which environmental issues develop. My interests have manifested in a desire to practically apply these studies through collaboration with a business, NGO, or local government. I have interests in hands-on work monitoring and gaging natural processes, urban planning related to sustainable infrastructure, and in social work, as I have a strong belief that resolving social issues is a first step to making positive environmentally-driven change.

Additionally, I have decided to pursue a minor in Spanish, as I have a passion for learning languages and find that being able to communicate with those from different places and backgrounds from myself has the potential to really open my eyes to new ways of seeing the world.

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