Staying Fit in the Workplace

During my few months at the University of British Columbia, I have found it difficult to find time to go to the gym.  I am used to participating in some sort of physical activity every day and I am finding it difficult to fulfill this need.  I recently found an article that opened my eyes to ways to stay active even if there is no time to get to the gym.

Kent Burden, a personal trainer and wellness coach, was interviewed by The Globe and Mail suggested placing frequently used things around the office, such as staplers and calculators, as far away from your desk as possible.  Doing so will ensure people will stand up and move to use these items.  Kent also suggested to park farther away from the office to walk to work.

I sometimes wonder how I will be able to stay active in the workplace.  I intend to work in an office which will mean sitting behind a desk for hours on end day after day.  The type of company that I would like to work in is one like Zappos, an online shoe store, which I recently learned about in my Comm 101 class.  Zappos has a certain culture that seems to make the employees love working there.  They offer employees free healthcare, free food, office parties, along with many other benefits.  I think that if companies employed organizational techniques like Zappos has, and encourages employees to stay active, the employees will love coming to work and continue to stay fit.


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