First Nations Determined to Shut Down Projects

Peace RiverBC Hydro has implemented a plan to build a dam, Site C, which is an 8 billion dollar project.  The Union of BC Indian Chiefs are strongly opposing this project, who recently declared that “B.C. is Indian land.”  If the dam were to be created, it would 83 km of the Peace River Valley, destroying farmland and habitat.  However the other side is arguing that they need the clean hydroelectric power due to growing industry and population.

The issues with Aboriginal Peoples and the government taking land that is rightfully theirs is an age-old issue that seems to be never-ending.  The First Nations have valid points of opposing Site C – it will simply destroy their land and also their homes.  I find that even when the First Nations have a stronger case, the BC government tends to get their way. Site C has been approved and could begin constructing anytime soon.  The government’s determination to implement all these projects connects me to our class about business ethics; and that sometimes people forget what business they’re in or what job they’re supposed to do, and instead are in the business of money.  The following article claims First Nations believing that the government can have Site C or the LNG Pipeline – not both. This seems fair, however from the looks of it the provincial and federal governments will obtain their wants through whatever measures it will take, once again.

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