RE: Welcome to Our Regeneration

Online streaming of television has erupted and grown exponentially for the past few years. My classmate, Lily Du created a post on the regeneration of TV.  It commented on the fact how-to-watch-tv-online-best-free-tv-streaming-sites-list-2012that cable providers like Bell and Rogers need to rethink their business plans and have long-term efficiency.  She states that companies need to be constantly regenerating and innovating their products and that is their job to keep up.  I do agree with this, the fact that technology will constantly be changing.  However, sometimes companies cannot keep up with these technological changes and therefore can no longer succeed in the industry.

Online streaming is most certainly an upcoming disruptive innovation, replacing DVD’s and even TV’s. It’s the age of Netflix, and no longer the days of going to your local Blockbuster and picking netflix-movies-expiring-jan-2014out movies for Friday night.  Disruptive innovations cannot be stopped, and luckily for Bell and Rogers it shouldn’t be difficult to transition into the new online streaming market.  Other companies, like Blockbuster, could not compete with these innovations and it was the end of movies as a physical product.  Many companies in the industry will have great trouble keeping up with this growing industry, and the disruptive innovation of online streaming will surely take some companies down with them.

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