The Power of Sharing Bikes

toronto-bixi-martin-reisBike sharing has become increasingly popular in major cities, even beginning to hit Canada.  The whole concept of bicycle sharing usually has sustainability attached to it, the article stating it can lead to a “sustainable world.”  I’d have to agree with this statement, it meets the triple bottom line – catering to people and providing exercise, promoting eco-friendly transportation, and returning economic profit.

Vancouver has had a plan to impbike lanelement the project somewhere near 2015.  Bike sharing would fit very well for Vancouver and is a smart move by the city, since it is popularly known for its encouragement of sustainability and pretty much anything “green.”  Coming from Vancouver, it is known that there is lots of controversy behind the increasing bike
lanes.  A bike sharing system would have an additional positive outlook to the use of these bike lanes and maybe encourage more people to go out and use them.  Bike theft is also a worsening problem in Vancouver, and shared bikes could ease this issue with the technologies they use to lock the bikes up.  Even a bike sharing system at UBC would be a terrific idea, since the university is known as a hot spot for stolen bikes.  Overall, I see a public bike system being benefit for this city and other cities in the world.

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