Unit 1 Reflection Blog

The first unit was initially overwhelming. Trying to figure out the blog software coupled with completing all the reading and assignments was a lot to keep organized in the first couple weeks of class.  However, completing all the tasks in this unit has set up important foundations for the upcoming formal report.

I feel that this unit has helped me get a better grasp of the importance of writing for a specific audience.  Thinking about the audience before I started writing actually made the writing process faster and smoother.

The peer review of my work was very insightful and made me realize that even though I feel that I did sufficient editing, I was still skimming over simple mistakes.  Another thing I need to remember, is to hit publish on my posts!  For the next assignments, I will be sure to view the page right after I have completed to ensure it is actually posted.

Reviewing another students work is something I have not done much of.  I did enjoy it as it was insightful reading other style of writing.  I ended up reading definitions from several groups to attempt to identify common strengths and weaknesses.  When I would notice an area that could be improved on another students’ work, it allowed me to reflect on what I had written to see if similar thinking could be applied.

For the upcoming assignments, I will have to pay attention to time management.  This month is exceptionally busy for me and this style of writing requires thoughtfulness and I need to put more care in editing.  I am looking forward to starting work on my formal report.

Attachment of revised definitions assignment.

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