Unit 2 Reflections Blog

LinkedIn Profile Reflection

I had totally forgotten that I had put together a LinkedIn profile years ago until this assignment.  Looking over how many new things I was able to add gave me a big confidence boost.  I am still skeptical about the true applications of this social media tool; as I have been able to secure employment in my desired field without using this previously.  I have come across fellow colleagues on LinkedIn and can see they have built a large network around themselves.  I am hoping that by working through this assignment I will be able to grow my network and see the full value of this application.

Formal Report

I am enjoying writing the formal report so far!  It is certainly a topic that I am familiar with and have an appreciate for its relevance.  My colleagues are also interested in what will come out of this report.

Coming up with the outline was a bit challenging at first but I feel this was crucial first step.  I feel much more prepared for what tasks are ahead of me now.

The feedback I received on my proposal was very insightful.  I hope I was able to provide as insightful feedback for my partner.  Through these multiple peer reviews and having fellow team members work available for viewing, I have been able to appreciate other writing styles.  I have been told before that my writing style is very “unique” without much more clarification than that.  Reading other student’s work has allowed to me have a better understanding of what that means – or at least I think so.

Link to peer review of my research proposal

Research Proposal Revised


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