School Issues & First Year Midterms/FInals

So you know what advisors in high school always say, that you don’t have to know what you want to do right away in college, that people switch a lot.  Well they don’t tell you that you waste credits, lose credits, or spend MORE time because of this.  My mind is spinning because I know I have to get out of my program and I’m just frustrated that I had to go through a semester before figuring out the program is not for me (Biology).  I thought it’d be simple, ease me into any other program should I ever decide to switch.  I’m thinking of Combined or Integrated Major; either way I’d be mixing Microbio and Computer Science.  I like Microbio, because I liked Bio 112 and I looked up some midterms and lectures, it seems antithesis to Biol 121 and Biol 204 and more like Bio 112 and Biol 200… Pretty much I am interested by all the evolutionary biology, but that interest doesn’t translate to midterm and final grades -___-

I don’t want to make the same mistake twice!  So if there is ANYONE out there, I want advice from those with friends who have done computer science classes at UBC or better yet, have taken them.  I kind of know what to expect with Microbio courses, I don’t expect them to be easy, but I know they are more doable for me.  I just don’t want to end up in a hole, I am actually applying to a few “easier” school JUST to have a little BACKUP plan in case this year doesn’t end so well.  Med school is still a goal for me, and lets just say having experienced undergraduate education elsewhere, I promise you, UBC is something else when it comes to grades.  I know people working half as much doing 10000x better, and I myself worked half as much and did 10000x better at UCLA, and while some schools in the States (key word some, there are still a lot that dont) pay attention to (an A at X may not be the same as an A at Y), apparently all Canadian schools don’t care that an A at UBC is quite different from an A at Langara (no offense to Langara, I’ve thought about taking summer courses there, its a good school).  The reason I’m so pessimistic, grade-wise, is Biol 204.  That course seriously destroyed my morale, the good outcome out of this situation is that I now know to stay far away from Biology program specific courses, and those bio courses that include writing essays are not for me, it’s really TA dependent…and I don’t want to go here…but I must!  Some TA’s were great in Biol 204, but my TA clearly hardly came prepared, I’d ask a question, she’d go to the book, and then forget to answer me, or she’d ask a question for us, and forget the answer… and these were the same TA’s grading harshly on the midterms (haven’t seen grading this harsh since ochem mt 1)  *sigh* this course was a mess!  I’m sure everyone at UBC has that one course they wish they never took, this was mine!  I’ve talked so much about this course, that when I do the semester ‘wrapup’ i won’t have much to say, or maybe I will when I see my actual final grade haha.

But as I was saying, if you know how the CS classes at UBC are let me know!  The midterms I looked at look like rocket science, but I can tell it’s something you do well in if you prepare well and keep up with… but I’d like advice before I completely drop and add classes, I want this done before the 30th so any advice is great.  And I am interested in Computer Science, my job this summer had some computer science integration, it’s pretty much useful for any career future wise, because lets face it, technology is the future, IPADs and all these apps will look like phones with antennas: antient.  It also sets me up with a backup plan, a backup plan to a backup plan to a backup plan.  Haha my backup plans for med school are 1. schools I really want 2. schools i’d like and only look at MCAT not GPA  3. Australia 4. Nigeria (born there) lol  >>> Then computer science backup is to pursue Masters in CS and go from there.


First Year Midterms/Finals

On a side note!  I have recieved many emails from students asking how I find midterms/lectures ->>  Look online they are everywhere,  I literally spent a day listening to music and racking up all these resources into folders.  I also get emails saying if I could send, I replied to most, and others I said I’d get to it.  Instead of going through my email looking, just comment below with your email and I’ll send it.  I have a lot more useful stuff for semester 2 for UBC Science.  If your realllyy uncomfortable putting your email on here, then email, and I will try to reply to each one :)  Happy Holidays!