Rejection Nightmare

I’m losing my mind… 6 days left until the big decision for UBC med arrives. I woke up from a bad dream today where I was the only one rejected and everyone else was accepted… Too scary. I have low expectations this year but still, being rejected from anything is the worst feeling ever.

My friends all feel the same way, that’s why we’re all gonna go drink on May 15th regardless of being accepted or not. If we’re accepted then we’ll go drink to celebrate. If we’re rejected, then we’ll drown our sorrows in drink. Drink drink drink until we can’t remember that we’re drinking.  

I’ve got to say this year has been a phenomenal journey. Practicing MMIs with so many people made me learn a lot about the Canadian health care system, health care ethics, and just the sheer pressure and drive of all the other applicants and the sacrifices they made to get here. Everyone I’ve met we’re really high quality applicants, and it’s a shame that not everyone will make it to the end. I still feel it will remain a long journey for me, but it’s been great getting to know so many people along the way. I’m just happy that I’ve just made it this far.