Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-04

Mainly Organics Pizza on Urbanspoon
Decent pizza, but I didn’t like the
salad. This place is almost too small
to eat in; I suggest take out only.
  • Cards Against Humanity is back in stock! If you're looking for a good politically-incorrect laugh, check it out! – http://t.co/CBhDx6KH 18:43:45, 2012-12-04
  • …each person in the "To" field so they can see the attendance list, and then at the bottom of the e-mail say the guest list is hidden? o.O 14:23:05, 2012-12-04
  • *facedesk* Why does Google Calendar, when sending e-mails to event attendees of an event whose attendance is hidden, send the e-mail to… 14:22:06, 2012-12-04
  • Still disappointed that despite getting Curry Point often days in a row all term, they never told me about their Buy 9 Get 1 Free Card 12:33:46, 2012-12-04

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