Semester 2 Review & Update

Hey everyone!  It’s been a long time since I blogged, second semester just seemed to fly by really quickly.  I am trying to enjoy these few weeks I have of peace before summer school starts.  This is actually the first time I have ever done summer school, so I am a little worried about how crammed everything is.  I am taking Biol 234, and Bioc 302 this summer.  This past semester I took Phyl 301, Anat 391, Germ 110, Isci 350, and Fnh 250.

Phyl 301

I didn’t really enjoy this class, I feel like regardless of whether or not you keep up, by final time a lot of that information is gone, the small details at least, and in a course where the small details matter, then you might as well start from scratch when your studying, not really reviewing.  The things I studied really well still felt brand new when I was studying for the final.  Luckily for the second final I had more time to study, than for the first.  I had less than 2 days for that final, and I felt like thats what messed me up the most for the first half of the course.  The second final I had 3 days + 1 night.  It was also a less stressful exam season so I had a clearer head when I was studying for this final.  I gave up on writing EVERYTHING which is what I do to memorize, and what I did for the last final, and just read and read and highlighted.  Overall, I didn’t like this course :/  I think its more about the structure (no midterms/quizzes) and less about the material.  It made me have second thoughts about medicine, but I enjoyed Anat 391 which is under Faculty of Medicine, so I wont let this class derail me too much.

Anat 391

In retrospect I wish I took Anat 390 instead, everyone says its easier, regardless I really enjoyed this class.  Its taught by Dr. A, and he is probably the best professor I have had at UBC.  He just teaches the material very well, and I actually feel like I am learning in class.  I feel like majority of classes at UBC, atleast science, you don’t learn that much in class, atleast for me.  But I felt like he really made things clearer in class, and also made it enjoyable.  Funny professor!  The material on the other hand, you are pretty much memorizing the entire textbook, like literally, there is so much to memorize it can be overwhelming, but its doable, and its strictly memorization, which is great because during the exam you should be able to feel out what you got.  On the midterms I knew my grade exactly when I left by just counting up how many I guessed on, and my guesses are never right, its a either you know it or you don’t class.  I wish the structure of Phyl 301 was modeled after Anat 391, with 2 midterms and a final.  Or in Phyl 301′s case as yearlong, 4 midterms, 2 finals.


Fnh 250

So as some of you know I am integrating nutrition in my integrated sciences major, and I really wish I didn’t take my first nutrition course ONLINE.  I got a little lazy this semester and I feel like online courses take another level of determination.  I left a lot of things to last minute, I could have done amazingggg in this class if I didn’t let things pile up.  Regardless, I enjoyed the material, and everytime I’d read the book, I’d wonder why I didn’t start reading earlier.  Compared to Micb books, its such a easy smooth read.  And did I mention the final was open book (online only).  Regardless I enjoyed the material, I am looking forward to the lectures I will attend for the next nutrition courses I’m taking.

Isci 350

In integrated sciences you have to take 7 credits of ISCI courses, so this was one of the courses I chose, “Darwinian Medicine.”  I really enjoyed the class, think I missed one lecture the entire semester and its because my body was too weak for a commute to UBC (any commuters out there, you know what I’m talking about!  Thankfully I will be on campus next year).  The class was small, and there were assignments every weak, and there are group activities, and a presentation, overall I’d say its one of the more interactive courses I have taken at UBC.  I really liked it, I feel like even moreso than Anat 391, I learned a lot just by doing activities, and going to class.  One of my favorite classes this semester.

Germ 110

I had a great prof for this course, seems like this was the semester of great profs.  She was great (Adelheid O’Brien) and the class was very interactive.  I got sick and missed more lectures than I wanted to, but overall it was a good class.  I want to leave UBC with a language, so I’m sticking it out and continuing onto the intermediate level (200′s).  If the next class is hard, in that case I’m moving onto swedish!  🙂


So this summer I am taking Biol 234, Bioc 302, and on top of that studying for the MCATS! :(  I really postponed this because I’m scared to not do amazing like I need to.  I wish wish wish I just studied last summer when I wasn’t taking summer school.  I am working, taking summer school, and studying for MCATS so this summer is going to be rough!  I want to be on a schedule by Mid May, and right now I’m just getting my study materials together, choosing which books to get, etc.  I will blog about how MCAT studying is going, and summer school is going.  Biol 234 scared me because I tend to do badly in courses that start with a “Biol.” So thats why I left it to the summer, dont want a Biol 204 nightmare.  And Bioc 302 I am also scared of, because a lot of people seem to fail this course, apparently its worse than Ochem, but Ochem wasnt that bad when you look back so I don’t know what to expect.  I have a few friends in Bioc 302, so hopefully that helps.  Going to be a busy summer, hope everyone is enjoying their break so far :)

