Summer Goals/New Job

Trees outside my place.  I love Vancouver weather in the summer.


1) GET MY LICENSE!  I actually turned 20 recently and its pretty pathetic that I don’t have my license yet.  My family moved around a lot, so I didn’t bother starting the process, and then I went to UCLA, and was on campus 98% of the time so why bother, and now I’m at UBC where the public transportation is ridiculously good, you guys don’t realize how good it is.  It’s better than Toronto, San Francisco, and LA, seriously.  And UBC hit me sideways in terms of keeping up academically became my sole priority.  Now I realize how important it is to have one, having it as ID is good, and its better to get it out of the way now than later.  So I am officially starting the process this summer.  It’s just so much easier to do it in the states so I wasn’t worried, now I hear its a long process involving several different types of licenses here in I’m not excited for that.

2)  GET FIT!  I don’t care about health during the school year to be honest, and how people in Vancouver run in the rain outside…is beyond me!  I don’t want to get that serious, just buy better food, and exercise, but things I enjoy like walking and playing tennis.  I remember playing tennis every week for a whole summer once.  Now the last time I was in a gym I actually fell asleep it’s good to engage in things I enjoy.

3) Save money!

4) Read as much personal books(as in not assigned) as I can, I love to read and need to take advantage of this time that I have.  I read series, and want to catch up on all of those, then just dive in, and start looking for book ideas on amazon…I can’t wait!  There goes that inner nerd coming out.

5) Explore Vancouver.  People always bring up certain places, and I’m like ‘never been there.’  I’m a homebody lol, snuggling up to movies and sour patches >> going out to some park.  But I can’t live in the most ‘liveable’ city and not go see it, so I need to check out more places in Vancouver.

6) Deal with UBC ‘stuff’.  Also known as, finalizing courses, this isn’t the time to take courses I don’t need, I actually want to be out of UBC in 4.5 years max…  So if that means Integrated Sciences major, I have to go to UBC, see an advisor, set up the courses asap.  If that means Combined Major, I have to just set up my courses, and make sure it’s not too heavy since I’ll be working.  Hoping I can maneuver my schedule to have at least one full open day during the week of no class.

As for my job, I’ve only worked 3 shifts so far..but I’ve learned so much!  In terms of getting medical experience to apply for med school, I feel like this owns doing research on so many levels.  Research was something I wanted to do, for the sake of it, and because its what everyone else seems to do that gets into medical school.  Based on my paranoia in chem 235, thinking I was one second from blowing something up every 2 seconds, I think it’s clear I don’t belong in a lab, at least not for long periods of time :)  I’m so glad this opportunity fell in my lap.  I’m learning about different drugs, seeing how the doctor makes diagnoses, seeing first hand the interaction between doctor and patient.  Its like shadowing with more responsibilities.  First ER Scribe program in Canada right now, but I have a feeling it will spread to other hospitals eventually.  Anyways, hope everyone is enjoying their summer!  🙂