Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-27

The post Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-27 appeared first on 夢と愛の千夜一夜.

Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-26

  • "Progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." -Robert Heinlein 19:25:13, 2012-12-26
  • I think I liked Lord of the Rings better than the Hobbit, atm, though the Hobbit was definitely more engaging… 18:29:33, 2012-12-26
  • "It is only when we realize that life is taking us nowhere that it begins to have meaning." -P.D. Ouspensky 17:50:18, 2012-12-26
  • "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Einstein 14:40:16, 2012-12-26
  • "A vision without a task is but a dream; a task without a vision is drudgery; a vision and a task is the hope of the world." -Sussex Church 13:30:34, 2012-12-26
  • "Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple–that's creativity." -Charles Mingus 13:25:27, 2012-12-26
  • C'mon pedestrians. Don't walk in front of rushing emergency services… 12:43:59, 2012-12-26
  • Amazon has 15 Android apps free for a limited time! Android users, check it out! http://t.co/4pirRCFs 12:13:47, 2012-12-26
  • "Thought is useful when it motivates for action, and a hindrance when it substitutes for action." -Bill Raeder 11:30:59, 2012-12-26
  • "Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought." -Henri Bergson 10:55:24, 2012-12-26
  • "Perfection of means and confusion of goals seem, in my opinion, to characterize our age." -Albert Einstein 10:20:36, 2012-12-26
  • "Rule your mind or it will rule you." -Horace 09:45:54, 2012-12-26
  • "Nothing happens unless there is first a dream." -Carl Sandburg 09:10:36, 2012-12-26
  • …seriously. The first is imperative and the second is disastrous." -Margot Fonteyn 01:12:08, 2012-12-26
  • "The one important thing I have learned over the years is the difference between taking one's work seriously and taking one's self… 01:11:12, 2012-12-26
  • RT @kcskou: Merry Christmath! https://t.co/fAeFNpBd 00:27:26, 2012-12-26

The post Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-26 appeared first on 夢と愛の千夜一夜.

Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-25

  • …what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise." -Robert Fritz 20:22:07, 2012-12-25
  • "If you limit your choices to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from… 20:21:54, 2012-12-25
  • "Our greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." -William James 20:15:15, 2012-12-25
  • "To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end in life." -Robert Louis Stevenson 15:01:20, 2012-12-25
  • The Relationship-Grammar Test: To test for at least one aspect of compatibility http://t.co/G3n3RWsX 12:45:21, 2012-12-25
  • What happens when you get a Gram Stain Kit for Christmas (here, I refer to Christmas as the Consumerist, not Christian, holiday)?… 12:10:27, 2012-12-25
  • Self-esteem may not be driving success as much as you may have been led to think. Self-compassion, on the other hand… http://t.co/KbUefCv6 09:25:21, 2012-12-25
  • "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." -Thomas Edison 01:08:34, 2012-12-25
  • Merry Christmas, or Happy Currently-Most-Universal-Consumerism-Holiday, or Happy December 25, etc! (Whichever you find less offensive) :3 00:08:50, 2012-12-25

The post Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-25 appeared first on 夢と愛の千夜一夜.

Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-24

The post Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-24 appeared first on 夢と愛の千夜一夜.

Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-23

The post Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-23 appeared first on 夢と愛の千夜一夜.

Things I Love About Winter Break

Term 1: mission accomplished. The last Scantron bubble has been filled out, the last exam has been handed in, and the last late night study sessions have been completed. Aside from waiting for those dreaded marks going up on the SSC (I’m personally terrified for BIOL 200), there’s nothing to do now but kick back at home and relish in the joys of winter break:

Snow! T-dot has gotten a little sprinkling of snow, but weirdly enough, it’s nothing compared to the snowstorm that hit Vancity on Wednesday. The city got a ton of snow overnight leading to the typical snow-induced widespread panic (the last day of exams were even cancelled. Welcome to Vancouver). Here’s hoping for a White Christmas in the land where good things grow, though!

Not setting an alarm. Gone are the days of my iPhone blaring at 6:45 am, signaling the start of yet another arduous day in the library. Now I can get all the Z’s my tired little body desires. And it’s awesome.

Having a kitchen. Being at home means that I’m able to bake to my heart’s content. Today I made peppermint bark, red velvet shortbread, chocolate-filled snowballs, and peppermint white chocolate chip cookies… I might have gotten a little carried away.

Seeing old friends. I actually haven’t done any of this just yet since all my friends are painfully busy with work or severely ill with the flu (get well soon, Gabby!) but hopefully catch-up Starbucks dates are in my near future. Speaking of catching up…

Catching up on TV shows. There’s no time to keep up with my ridiculous amount of shows during the school year. Now I have ample time to kick back, relax, and finally find out who is Gossip Girl.

Planning for the future. Projects for the break: working on my IntSci application, figuring out summer plans, applying for exchange next year (fingers crossed for Copenhagen!), and planning the SLC Recognition Reception. Speaking of which, have you registered yet?

Hope everyone is having a lovely relaxing break – enjoy every minute, because you’ll sadly be back to school before you know it.

Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-22

The post Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-22 appeared first on 夢と愛の千夜一夜.

Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-21

The post Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-21 appeared first on 夢と愛の千夜一夜.