
science teacher

I completed my post graduate Bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of British Columbia, Canada. I am qualified and certified to teach K-12, and specialize in Self-Regulated Learning, Science, Math, and Middle Years Instruction. 

My aim as an educator is to help students become intrinsically motivated, independent, life-long learners, which I believe is possible through reflective practices, active inquiry, exploration, collaborative learning, and the application of learning to various situations and scenarios outside the classroom setting.

I have a passion for integrating technology in the classroom. I frequently attended the university’s technology workshops and tech-related professional development courses, and have used various technologies in the classroom to enhance and transform student work, such as cloud-based collaborative brainstorming, screen casting apps, and the use of QR codes in total physical response activities.  I recognize the importance of connecting learners with experts around the world, and I value technology’s role in facilitating these global connections. In my spare time, I tinker with programming and microcomputers.

I have a background in science, currently live in Dakar, Senegal, and am working for the International School of Dakar.

One comment

  1. Bonjour Brittney,
    Je suis heureux de savoir que tu as terminé tes études en éducation.
    Tu as vraiment beaucoup de talent. Je me souviens de ton engagement envers les élèves de Kigali, surtout de l’attention que tu accordais à ceux en difficulté dont Marvin.
    Tu es extraordinaire.
    Je suis chanceux de t’avoir connue.

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