
    1. Learning should be socio-constructed, and learners should be self-regulated
    2. For this to happen, students need:
      1. A growth mindset (including risk taking)
      2. Understand learning is unique
      3. Strong reflective practices
      4. Plethora of strategies for learning and regulation that can be applied to numerous learning scenarios
      5. Awareness of how emotions affect us
      6. Intrinsic motivation to learn
    3. For students to develop these conceptual understandings and skills, teachers need to:
      1. Actively teach about the learning process (growth mindset, learning is unique and everyone brings something different to the table)
      2. Teach about stress reduction and the brain
      3. Continually teach strategies to:
        1. Interpret tasks
        2. Set goals
        3. Plan
        4. Enact strategies (self-manage, time-manage, information manage, materials manage)
        5. Recognize strengths and challenges
        6. Monitor progress
        7. Adjust during task (adapting approaches)
        8. Self-evaluate and reflect
      4. Promote intrinsic motivation through:
        1. Student interest
        2. Connect to experiences and prior knowledge
        3. Providing choice/voice, letting students be part of the process
          1. Meaningful choices that allow for differentiation (personalization and blended learning)
        4. Transparency (clear outline of where the class is going and why, learning objectives and expectations)
        5. Personal goal setting
        6. Integrated (big ideas and good questions [critical thinking])
      5. Provide opportunities to work with many different people (collaborate = participation and accountability) → link to 21st century learning
      6. Work with other teachers (teacher inquiry and collaboration)
      7. Assess formatively and allow for students to improve
      8. Scaffold, ensure material matches skill and maturity level, concept development sequence
    4. Ways this can be done:
      1. Project/Problem based learning (real world applicable, applying learning to new situations and challenges by generating understandings that are flexible and long lasting)
      2. Maker Education
        1. Use IB Learner checklist to ensure holistic learning
      3. Blogging/journals

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