Tag Archives: autonomy

Inquiry and Innovation in the classroom- By A.J. Juliani

inquiry and innovationProviding students with autonomy and ownership over their learning enhances motivation, and encourages innovation through purposeful and passion-driven goal setting. A.J. Juliani (@ajjuliani) outlines the importance of preparing students to become independent, creative, open-minded, innovative, resourceful,resilient, and growth-minded risk-takers who take ownership over what they do. He believes this will best equip students for the heuristic, evolving and contracted nature of future available jobs.

Inquiry-driven practices integrated throughout the curriculum are necessary for helping students ask questions about their learning, instead of simply looking for the required answers. 20% Time (Genius Hour, Passion Projects, etc.) provides an opportunity for students to practice self-chosen inquiry and exploration while developing core skills and competencies. The book walks teachers through the steps of creating the appropriate classroom environment, approaching parents and administration, and implementing the structured unstructured class time for inquiry-based learning. A.J. Juliani provides useful handouts, a plethora of additional resources, sample rubrics and letters, and examples of final projects.


Innovators meet frustration not with complaints- but with a commitment to devise more effective solutions” –Charles Leadbetter