Noises of Media: 1945 or 2019?
Noises of Media: 1945 or 2019? Is a series of three animated illustrations that showcase the role technology plays in communication. These communication tools originated in 1945 and were primarily used for the war, however, by commercializing them, they have updated and transgressed to be part of our everyday lives in enhancing and facilitating the way we communicate and interact between each other and with our environment.
The three animated illustrations are paired up with sound effects from our society today where the sound of typing on an iPhone is paired with a typewriter, 2018/19 news headlines are broadcasted from a 1945 radio, and social media notification sound effects emit when missiles that were used in the war, explode. The purpose of this is to showcase how the original technologies that helped shape the war, are still shaping society today, and how important it is for us to be aware of their origin in order to understand their overall purpose and power.