Institutional Isomorphism
Dynamic Conservatism
Sociolcultural Homeostasis
Today we were introduced to three brand new terms. Despite Jenny giving an enthusiastic and passionate lecture, with many excellent examples, I am still working on processing them and applying to my own experience. Reading Terrence’s and Julie’s blogs did help, but I think I will take some more time to let them roll around in my brain box and hopefully they’ll gel and I’ll begin to make connections and find some clarity. The crashing headache I have had since 6 a.m. probably didn’t contribute to my comprehension abilities!
Despite the headache, Julie and I had a great discussion re: narrowing down our topic. We agreed that we will focus on using iPads in literacy, a passion for both of us, with a side dish of lit circles. Carefully sleuthing via Google, and my Twitter PLN, we found some more great sites and ideas that we added to our mindmeister. As an aside, I must say, I’m not finding mindmeister that easy or intuitive… compared to other mapping programs (Kidspiration, Padlet) but no matter, maybe I’ll adjust and grow into liking it.
Making the rounds on my Twitter PLN today was the following graphic:
I like it! Such a great reminder. BUT I think it should not be titled “What do you want kids to do with technology” instead, “What do you want kids AND teachers to do with technology” — I see myself as a learner along with my students, and it’s easy to get caught up in thinking about technology as a only a FUNKY way to essentially word process. I know that’s often what I use it for. Even brainstorms work just as well on piece of chart paper — yes they’re fun on the iPad or the computer but it doesn’t mean they’re better (unless there is a way to make them ‘better’?)
I know that most teachers in the junior school at Branksome are just having students use the computers to draft and publish writing, do internet research, and play math games. Not that there is anything ‘wrong’ with that. But I think we could be doing so much more. I want to share the graphic with my colleagues, as a way to get a conversation started about how we are approaching technology in our classrooms. WAIT! I think I am referring to institutional Isomorphism?! Wow!
I wish there were simpler language to use for these concepts, but sometimes you just have to wrestle with the big words. Yes, you are referring to institutional isomorphism. Also Dynamic Conservatism. Very nicely done. Honestly, I am not an iPad teaching professional. I haven’t done enough with them. But I do know what I do with mine, and the last thing I want to do is type on it. But photography, drawing, handwriting, research, communicating, designing, yes!