While walking in Richmond Centre one day with a friend, we decided to take a trip to the Sweet Factory. Coming out, we were holding nothing in our hands but this:
It all started when my friend said “I have yet to find some VERY VERY SOUR candy.” The first brand that popped into my head was the only brand I really knew of extremely sour candy, warheads. Seeing that there was a pack right in front of her, I assumed those were too “wussy” for her. That’s when we picked up TOXIC WASTE: HAZARDOUSLY SOUR CANDY. We looked at the packaging and the back had this:
Candy Dynamics was definitely trying to pull at the behavioural component of our attitudes. AND WE FELL FOR IT ANYWAY. I also saw the influence of the psychological factor that affects consumer behaviour. I wanted to know how long I could keep the candy in my mouth for and ultimately, prove that I wasn’t a “TOTAL WUSS!”
Normally if I was by myself or shopping with others I wouldn’t consider buying this product. I was influenced by social factors (ie. my friend, who would be a member of a reference group I’m in). This was also a good example of the roles in buying decisions. She initiated, I supported, and she made the decision to buy it.
In the end, we sat down, anxious to see just how hazardous this sour candy could be. We had cameras and timers ready. Finally putting the puckering sweets into our mouths, we both came to conclude it was a BIG DISAPPOINTMENT. If 60 seconds was a FULL TOXIC HERO! We must be the Gods of Toxic. All in all, I have to give it to Candy Dynamics, the challenge really got me!