Recently, I started to listen to this song again and I re-watched the music video online:

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It is a song written by Jaeson Ma, a young pastor with a powerful testimony who is making a difference in millions of lives including some of the more notable ones, Edison Chen and Vaness from F4.

Edison Chen becomes Christian after scandal
Jaeson Ma (middle) with Vaness (right)

I really liked the music video in that it was very unique (I’m really into graphics design and photography/video stuff) and it definitely spoke to me as a Christian and even just as a person. From a marketing point of view, this music video aims to change the attitude of its audience through the 3 factors:

Cognitive: The song basically answers the question posed at the beginning: what is love? At a Christian’s point of view, using biblical scriptures, it corrects people’s misconception of love, specifically the “love” portrayed in Hollywood movies. For those interested, the reference is 1 Corinthians 13:4-8:

Affective: The video appeals to everyone because it is something everyone can relate to. To Christian’s especially, they can really tie their emotions to the love that Jesus expresses.

Behavioural: Throughout the video, many question are posed. Then it goes on and tells you to think about those questions.

“Are you willing to lay down your life for your brother, mother, father or sister…or even your enemies? “

Being the inspirational pastor that he is, Jaeson plays a reference group social factor as an aspirational model. It doesn’t even have to be for Christians, I’m sure even people who are currently dealing with similar struggles that Jaeson had would aspire to be like him. His testimony is evidence that it doesn’t really matter how screwed up your life is, there’s always hope.

Here is his testimony if you’re interested, I would really recommend watching it if you have time.

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