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Turns out Financial Literacy for Youth is not all finance!

For the past 3 years, I’ve been involved with Financial Literacy for Youth (FLY) as one of their two design coordinators. FLY is a non-profit organization that aims to promote financial literacy in high schools and holds an annual conference every year in May.

Finance beyond high school (2009)

Pay it forward conference (2010)

This year’s conference will be held at McMath Secondary School on May 14th. Our tagline is “Finding your financial piece of mind” and here is this year’s promotional video!

YouTube Preview Image

So I recently realized that FLY has started to expand it’s brand and “products”. A few product growth strategies we’ve used includes:

Market Penetration: We’re doing more presentations to classes in various high schools, using more marketing channels like facebook and providing promotions to the conference (Eg. Groups of 5 get a $2 discount), offering “advanced” workshops at the conference to accommodate returning attendees

Market Development: Reaching new market segments like Vancouver high schools (targeted Richmond high schools only previously)

Product Development: Introducing new events such as the Lights! Camera! Success! video contest.

Diversification Strategy: FLY is looking into establishing a club at UBC next year, targeting the new market of university students.

And so it seems, FLY isn’t all just about knowing personal finance, but also marketing!

Greetings from the FLY 2011 team!

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