Company Profile: Project Gutenberg

I am a candid person who believes that the person you are should be the person you are to everybody.  I disagree with companies (and people) who mask a strategic move under an act of good intention.  There is nothing wrong with making a strategic decision.  Oftentimes, it is critical in running a business.  However, I believe that the distinction between tactic and altruism must be made clear.  A corporation that I would like to analyze today is a non-profit: Project Gutenberg.

Project Gutenberg is a non-profit organization dedicated to digitalizing works already in the public domain, and to breaking down the barriers of illiteracy.  It strives to empower people by providing them free access to information so that they can lift their quality of life through education.

A value proposition of Project Gutenberg is its accessibility.  However, I believe a company’s value proposition to its consumers (see business canvas) should entail principles, so that when the consumer buys the product or the service, a value is that they are supporting a company with principles that align with their own.

In a rudimentary overview of the company’s value propositions, I would like to include “value alignment” to the list.

This is a cause I believe in, and if you have the time, I would encourage you to check out the social enterprise.

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