Martha stewart app
Posted by: bonnieyeung | November 1, 2010 | Leave a Comment
What comes to mind when you hear the name Martha Stewart? Baking? Cookies? Jail? Stock trading?
Even though Stewart got into such a mess in 2004 for insider trading, went to prison and was supposed to lose her perfect-domesitic-housewife-handywoman persona, she left prison with even more popularity, and frankly, became a more well-known household name. Right after being released from prison in 05, Martha Stewart Living was announced and went on air. Sears began to sell her products (yes, thats a huge deal for middle aged housewives!!), and got her own daytime show The Martha Stewart Show, and even got her very own version of The Apprentice: Martha Stewart.
I found this case (any many others involving celebrities gaining popularity after prison) fascinating. Marketing is all about selling what’s good, and only the good. To sell a positive brand, a positive image, a marketing team should display something that consumers aspire to become to earn their business. How do celebrities like Martha Stewart, Kate Moss (whose career only grew stronger, and gave Kate an edgier, sexier persona after pictures of her snorting cocaine were posted in magazines for all to see in 2005) and more, win the public’s admiration after what they’ve done? Perhaps the marketing team is building upon the celebrities ‘being human’. Maybe celebrity scandals only show that they make mistakes too, which makes them more relatable. But I still find it strange how someone like Martha could still earn the respect of her fans, and still have a growing empire despite her past scandals. Believe it or not, there’s a new app out (for the iPad) called Martha Stewart Makes Cookies which goes for $8. Sure, this may not sound as exciting for me and probably, you, but to a lot of desperate housewives out there, this app is a great steal!
to end this post on a brighter, funnier note though. I’m a huge Conan O’brien fan, so here’s a really funny clip of Conan and Martha. Enjoy!