
Posted by: | March 4, 2012 | Leave a Comment

I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues. – The Lorax (Dr. Seuss)  This movie made $70 million this weekend, despite it not doing so well with RottenTomatoes critics (they rated it 57%, and yes! I do take rotten tomato ratings seriously!) A movie voiced by Danny […]

to add to patricia,

Posted by: | November 24, 2010 | Leave a Comment

I was recently browsing among some marketing blogs when i came across Patricia Wu’s blog from sec 102. To see the commercial which I’ll be referring to, go here! https://blogs.ubc.ca/pattie91/ To Patty, Pizza Hut’s TV commercial where they display skinny Asian girls dancing around randomly while they eat pizza from pizza hut is suggesting that […]

the holidays

Posted by: | November 24, 2010 | Leave a Comment

Ahhhh, winter, the holidays, christmas.. my (and i assume a lot of other people’s) favorite time of year. Even the grumpiest person couldn’t resist the traditional Christmas songs, the most delicious holiday aromas or the masses of joyous people prancing around in a good mood. Another perk of the holidays comes in the shape of […]

scratch that

Posted by: | November 10, 2010 | Leave a Comment

so in one of my recent posts, I was talking about american airlines providing free wifi for their passengers. now, Google Chrome has partnered up with Virgin America, Delta and AirTran to offer free Gogo wifi! it’s important to know that this offer is for a limited time only though! Google is making this their […]

Martha stewart app

Posted by: | November 1, 2010 | Leave a Comment

What comes to mind when you hear the name Martha Stewart? Baking? Cookies? Jail? Stock trading? Even though Stewart got into such a mess in 2004 for insider trading, went to prison and was supposed to lose her perfect-domesitic-housewife-handywoman persona, she left prison with even more popularity, and frankly, became a more well-known household name. Right after being […]

wifi on planes

Posted by: | November 1, 2010 | Leave a Comment

i hate airplane rides: the bad food, the extremely confined space that im stuck in for a couple hours, the smelly washrooms.. the list goes on and on, but the worst part about a plane ride is the boredom. a flight from vancouver to toronto may only be 3 -4hours, but time can go by […]

Do you want a BMW or an Audi?

Posted by: | October 19, 2010 | 1 Comment

Personally, I’d pick an Audi hahaha, but if you’re like me, and you thought that Axe thing was pretty cool (and secretly hoping for Old Spice to come up with a come-back really soon), you’ll enjoy these (older) billboard ad wars as well! The most infamous billboard ad war BMW vs. Audi wow, chess has […]

not about the old spice guy

Posted by: | October 19, 2010 | 1 Comment

for those of you who have been living under a rock, you must first watch this to understand this blog post: (trust me, it’s worth your 33 seconds) He’s random eh? which is what a lot of people love about him. I mean, “I’m on a horse?” that has nothing to do with deodorant, or […]

Before I talk about crazy Sony controllers that can explode in the palm of your hand, I have to announce that Target will be selling Apple iPads soon! Yay!!! Wait…. what? Starting Oct. 3rd of this year, Target will sell Apple’s iPad, and I’m left asking myself “what’s the point?” Target gives its Target credit […]

Hello world!

Posted by: | September 23, 2010 | 1 Comment

Welcome to UBC Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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