Ck Jeans

Posted by: | September 22, 2010 | 1 Comment

We all know Calvin Klein likes to push the envelope in its past ultra sexy advertising campaigns (we all know what I’m talking about.. you know… those pictures of a sweaty half-naked eva mendes), but this new marketing campaign by ck doesn’t focus on its eye-popping pics, it focuses on a completely new product that they think will make it big

Introducing: the Calvin Klein Jeans-Body (for men); it’s claim? to provide a “body-defining fit for an enhanced profile”. In other words, it’s basically like a push-up a bra… for men.  Take a look @ this pics and tell me what you think!

The picture is simple, black and white… some random model’s crotch, just your average ad that you see these days… but the product! Ck decides to push the concept that size does matter, and even if one doesn’t have size, he can buy jeans that gives one the effect of being well endo-, ok let’s just say he’ll supposedly be “better off”.

So how many men will flock to the stores to pick up a pair of these padded jeans? The product is unique, but does the ad sell it?

I think it does. And I think that as much as girls and women buy push-up bras at Victoria’s Secret, boys and men will buy themselves a pair of Calvin Klein Body Jeans.

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