Lenovo Interested in Blackberry

(Embedded link to classmates blog post and other business blog)

Upon reading Ally (Rutian) Gao’s blog I came upon an interesting point she made about Blackberry and government intervention. First some background:

As I have blogged about before Blackberry is in trouble and a purchase, of the once preferred smartphone manufacturer for business professionals and politicians, is highly likely to happen.Now Lenovo actively considered a bid, but government intervention from Ottawa said they would not accept a bid from a Chinese company in fear of compromising national security.

Now back to Ally’s point; how much can the government interfere in a global market economy? Can the government block the Blackberry shareholders wishes of selling their company? Canada has said they are open for foreign investment, but this is a step backwards!



According to Maclean’s business blog the market is recovered after the recession; evidence is the highest number of IPOs since 2007. So now will be the right time to sell the troubled Blackberry, while the market thinks it will grow – thus having a high Price/Earnings ration based on the expected growth.


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