Sustainability isn’t a point of difference anymore.

The world is constantly becoming more environment aware, and companies are following the trend with continuous improvement with regards to sustainability.

Managers and executives of large companies like JPMorgan stated that business undergrads should grasp science and energy; it is no longer enough to have dedicated roles about sustainability, business leaders must understand it too.

This necessary increase in knowledge needed shows how businesses increasingly prioritise sustainability. One can say that being environmental aware and friendly is moving away from the traditional “point of difference” where only a few companies (like Lululemon and The Body Shop) to becoming a point of parity where if your business can not claim it is sustainable it has a disadvantage and its brand value should fall.

This, from an environmental view, is a great evolution which will benefit the environment in the long run. However, one can be critical and say that companies are only doing this to associate their brand with sustainability and in reality have no interest in the environment –though let us hope this is not the case.


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