More luxurious, please.

When people hear about the Jeep Wrangler, they picture the type of “bush bashing” vehicle that isn’t practical for everyday use. Chrysler has now updated the Wrangler, redesigning its’ interior to make it more appealing to everyday people. This gives consumers the best of both worlds; a comfortable vehicle, with the power to haul a boat or a trailer.

This change was invoked because of the costumers. The costumers let Chrysler know that they didn’t like the interior, claiming it to be “rather spartan.” Chrysler hopes that these updates will increase sale, especially for families looking for a comfortable form of an SUV. This is evident because 60% of all Wrangler sales are of the 4-door variety.

Wrangler has already started to advertise for the release of the 2011 Wrangler, and they want consumers to know that they’ve made changes for them.

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