IPad, for more than just games

When the IPad first came out, no one would have predicted that it would give a disabled boy freedom. When Owen, now 7, was born with a debilitating motor-neuron disease, doctor’s said the paralysis would only last about 2 years. Owen doesn’t even have the strength to move a mouse, or talk. The IPad allows Owen to communicate with family, as well as give him a sense of entertainment and independence.

The Apple Corporation is viewed by many as an entrepreneurship. With increasing technology, Apple is able to use this as a way to help society by increasing efficiency and productivity; so is Apple a social entrepreneurship? There’s no arguing that the IPad is able to help society, but was it really invented to help society? When Apple released the first IPod, it was solely produced to make profits.

My take on this is: Apple produced the IPad to make money. They tried to make the IPad appealing to everyone; the more markets a product targets, the more money it can make.

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