Electric cars; want a bigger waste of money?

It’s easy to trick consumer in to buying something they don’t necessarily want, the biggest of which, is to cut and price to make them think they’re getting the best deal out there. The other, you make the taxpayer subsidize the costs. I’m sure you can guess what technique is being used here…

Over the past few years, electric/”green” cars have been a big buzz, companies have been coming up left and right with new models. Even though the “green wave” has passed and gone, these cars are still not selling. Why? THEY COST TOO MUCH MONEY. Don’t believe me? Since about 10 years ago when the Japanese launched the first hybrid about 10 years ago, approximately 2 million hybrids have been sold. It may seem like a big number, but the nationwide car fleet totals about one billion.

The new, plug-in variety of these electric vehicles will be subsidized substantially by the government.The reason behind this is to basically increase the purchasing incentive. In the UK, the government will pay up to 25% of an electric car price, but not exceeding £5,000 per vehicle. The shocking part, the Canadian government plans to subsidize as much as $8500 CAN.

Toyota estimated in 2008 that they would sell approximately 250,000 of the Fiat’s in 2009. 250, 000 x 8500 gives us a number just north of 21 billion. Yes, that’s right… billion.

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