BlendTec + YouTube = Success!

It seems like YouTube is the new way companies are advertising their products. Instead of paying a large amount of money to run a commercial during primetime TV, YouTube allows companies to reach thousands of consumers for free. Since the majority of Internet users are teenagers or young adults, advertising through YouTube can reach a higher number of this target group as opposed through TV.


For example, the “Will It Blend” videos – featuring the Blend Tec blender – have been quite a popular hit on Youtube.


YouTube Preview Image


This particular video has reached almost 12 and a half million views. If an advertisement were to reach this amount of views through TV, it would cost them thousands of dollars.


The blog post seen here:, states, “These advertisements actually does not increase sales.” Although this may be true in a general sense, but I think that something like the Blend Tec advertisements would increase sales. If I were ever in the position of needing a blender, I would definitely buy a Blend Tec blender for 2 reasons:

1) It’s the only blender company that I know of

2) If my iPhone ever gave me a dirty look I have the comfort of knowing I can                       grind it in to dust

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