Response to Coca-Cola’s new can

After reading Sara’s blog, seen here:  – I fully agree about the fact that the new can will create a brand image about Coke that is positive. I would hope that everyone loves polar bears, and thinks they’re big, fluffy and cute (anyone with a heart anyways). The new can – hopes Coke – will bring in new customers attracted to helping Coke’s good cause. However, I agree with Sara that this can is very easy to mistake for diet coke, as the first time I saw it, I made that very mistake.

I’m indifferent about whether or not it was a good idea to change the can colour to white. On one hand, the colour of the can should be a very unimportant issue comparative to the state of the polar bears. But however, as Sara mentions, the red can is a trademark and a brand identity of Coke; when consumers see a red can, they think of Coke.

The best of both worlds? The red can with the polar bears.

For more information on the partnership between the WWF and Coke:

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