This shouldn’t be surprising, Sony

If there is one thing that the PSP has brought Sony, it’s publicity. Sony has been on the headlines multiple times for their controversial PSP advertisements. Sony was accused to defiling public property because of their graffiti ad. Sony had paid business owners, and building owners for the right to have a professional graffiti artist “tag” the building.

It got to the point where a NYC councilman was demanding Sony to pay $20, 000 to the cities graffiti removal team. Many other citizens agreed that what they were doing was unethical. Cities spend thousands of dollars removing graffiti, and Sony is promoting it. Even though they had done it legally, the councilman states that “young children are impressionable, and if they see a wall with graffiti on it and they don’t know that it’s done with permission, it could very well lead to them believing that it’s OK for them to do it.”

Sony stated that their ads were aimed to the “urban” society.

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