Software; now telling you how to make fuel-efficient choices

In this technological age, the amount of data that can be collected about how drivers use their cars is amazing. Riversimple, a British company, has recently developed hydrogen-powered cars, which will make a debut in Britain in 2012.  Although the release will be a pilot test, Riversimple’s sustainability office is already thinking of fun ways for this to catch on; she states that drivers could play games to see who is driving the most efficiently.

A number of data can be extracted, such as how the brakes are being used, the pedals, or petrol consumption. Cars will also come equipped with the ability to transfer this data to a USB stick, allowing drivers to view the data on their home computers. It will give tips for them to improve their driving, for example, shifting gears less.

The ultimate goal is to make this data available instantly, via the on board computer. “The plan is to tell you the most eco way to drive, by changing your behaviour, taking in traffic conditions and the structure of the road” such as how steep it is, Mr Peterlini says, VP for product development at Fiat

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