RIM’s Playbook gets them out of the redzone

The emergence of powerhouses Apple, Google, and Motorola prowess has been starting to affect RIM negatively. Over the past summer, shares of RIM have fallen 9%, this is due in large part of the iPad & iPhone, as well as the Google-enabled Android, and Motorola.

Investors were left wondering if RIM was heading for the same destination as Palm. As we all now, Palm was once a powerhouse of it’s own, but ultimately started to fade away, leading to their recent purchase of $1.2 billion, just a smaller percent of what the company was once worth.

Since August, RIM has skyrocketed ~45%, even outperforming Apple. A New York analyst believes that the new Blackberry phone, the “Torch”, isn’t getting enough credit it should, despite strong sales numbers. The phone was put down at first due to the fact it wasn’t similar to the iPhone or the Android.

RIM recently purchased software company QNX, using the new operating system for the Torch. The new OS was greeted with smiles, as it allowed for outside developers to create applications easier than the old Blackberry OS.

And as we all know, the app trend is in full effect.

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