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Archive for September, 2012

EADS and BAE Merger-New Type of Military Alliance?

Friday, September 21st, 2012

In this article by The Economist, the merger plan by (the more civilian focused) EADS and (the more military focused) BAE could lead to “consolidation in the defence industry.” As the article notes, in the 1990’s there was a plan to merge all of Europe’s defence companies into one that was capable of competing with […]

Victoria’s Secret Involved In Slave Trade

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

The ever famous Victoria’s Secret, a subsidiary of Limited Brands, came under fire at the beginning of this year after allegations that the cotton it uses to make lingerie is produced using slave labour. Victoria’s Secret purchased its cotton, which was certified by Fairtrade International to be fair-trade cotton, from the Central African country of Burkina […]

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