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A New Giant Leap For Mankind, but No One Knows It’s Coming

In the 1960’s everyone knew the goal of putting a man on the moon, but a fast approaching technological jump is quiet in the public. During November 8’s Comm 101 class, two amazing entrepreneurs presented their companies and amazed us with their feats. UrtheCast’s entrepreneur  astonished my fellow students and I with his space-blazing venture.

UrtheCast Earth In HD

They will have camera’s placed on the Russian Module of the ISS and will be the first ones to capture constant HD-Video from space. Despite this feat, many class members (including myself) had never heard of them before. This isn’t because the company  has done a sub-par job, as they have major clients lined up. My fellow class-mates are not the future paying-consumers for Urthecast, but one would expect a project this impactfull would be known. There is a lack of interest (by my generation) in upcoming technological advancements, that do not immediatly or directly influence our lives, until they are released. The majority of the class knows when the next i-Phone is coming out, but not when a major technological leap is coming. This disinterest for major advancements in technology (and social issues) is indicative of a careless generation, which could lead to a concerning future.


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