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How To Succeed In Business? Clarity

At the beginning of the year, I was extremely disappointed in my result for the first project for Comm 101. The assignment was to create a SWOT and analysis for Lululemon. All of my class-mates and I spent hours crafting this little report, but we did not get the stellar marks we were used to in high school. Why didn’t we? It was because we had not yet adopted the right thought process. The main problem I had was a lack of clarity, which was astounding considering I was the top in my English class in high school. Highschool English teaches students to have flowery, pretty, and eloquent writing, but this distracts and confuses anyone who isn’t an English teacher. Since this initial shock, I am proud to say my thought process a has begun to adopt a business approach.

Seth Godin’s blog regarding clarity in marketing is a perfect example of this issue. The title of his post exemplifies this quality “Free Coffee” it gets the point across and doesn’t confuse readers. With the end of my first-semester at university in sight, my advice to future students is be clear and concise. Tell your reader what you think, show evidence, and be direct.


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