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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

How To Succeed In Business? Clarity

Saturday, November 17th, 2012

At the beginning of the year, I was extremely disappointed in my result for the first project for Comm 101. The assignment was to create a SWOT and analysis for Lululemon. All of my class-mates and I spent hours crafting this little report, but we did not get the stellar marks we were used to […]

Pipeline? Sorry, I’m From BC, So I Must Be A Tree-Hugger

Friday, November 16th, 2012

One of the most fiercely debated issues I have encountered in my life most certainly is the Northern Gateway pipeline proposed by Calgary based Enbridge. Being from Vancouver I have been raised in one of the most beautiful cities and regions in the world and the thought of threatening this with a pipeline is unheard of. The fear of this pipeline is the ending […]

Response: Fergus Arnold’s “Embarrassing Mistake Proven Costly For Kia”

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

Fergus Arnold’s post regarding the misleading of consumers by Kia and Hyundai presents well-structured and insightful comments. Currently large corporations, such as those featured, are viewed by consumers with distrust and suspicion; this overstatement of vehicle fuel-efficiency adds to this. This blunder may not have been intentional, but it still rubs consumers the wrong way, […]

Gamers Poses the Secret Executives Want?

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

Video games brings up the pitfalls of unproductively, lack of social skills, and violence; however, motivation gurus consider the area a untapped opportunity. As someone who used to play a lot of video games and had knew a fair amount of people who did the same, I can see where this theory is coming from. “Gamers” (people who play […]

Dying Industry Gets Life-Support From Governments

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

Newspapers attacking Google is used as an example for a much more serious topic, in this article by “The Economist.” Newspapers in various countries (mainly in Europe) are threatening Google News for revealing the headline and first sentence of articles. Opponents of Google News claim this act “dissuades readers from clicking through to the newspaper’s website to read […]

A New Giant Leap For Mankind, but No One Knows It’s Coming

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

In the 1960’s everyone knew the goal of putting a man on the moon, but a fast approaching technological jump is quiet in the public. During November 8’s Comm 101 class, two amazing entrepreneurs presented their companies and amazed us with their feats. UrtheCast’s entrepreneur  astonished my fellow students and I with his space-blazing venture. They […]

Icecream in Space… Privatization of the Space Industry

Monday, October 8th, 2012

SpaceX has now become America’s supplier for the International Space Station, a role which many other companies wish they could have. Ever since NASA shut down the space shuttle program companies have been jumping on opportunities to launch themselves into the space market, this is an exciting leap forward for the privatization of an emerging […]

Eyeglasses Monopoly

Monday, October 8th, 2012

When one goes to a store looking for a pair of glasses they are bombarded by choices, Oakley, Ray Ban, Chanel, Dolce Gabbana, Tiffany, and so on. Little do consumers know that no matter which name is on their glasses when they leave the store, they will be wearing a Luxottica product. This massive corporation […]

EADS and BAE Merger-New Type of Military Alliance?

Friday, September 21st, 2012

In this article by The Economist, the merger plan by (the more civilian focused) EADS and (the more military focused) BAE could lead to “consolidation in the defence industry.” As the article notes, in the 1990’s there was a plan to merge all of Europe’s defence companies into one that was capable of competing with […]

Victoria’s Secret Involved In Slave Trade

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

The ever famous Victoria’s Secret, a subsidiary of Limited Brands, came under fire at the beginning of this year after allegations that the cotton it uses to make lingerie is produced using slave labour. Victoria’s Secret purchased its cotton, which was certified by Fairtrade International to be fair-trade cotton, from the Central African country of Burkina […]

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