Using Multimedia
Aug 1st, 2009 by Michele Brannon-Hamilton
The first task in using multimedia in my learning management system was to define multimedia. According to Siemans (2003), media formats include video, audio, text, visuals, software, collaborative, integrated and liveF2F.
As a writer, my favourite type of media is text. I can engage, create, communicate and collaborate with simple words on a page. However, I know text doesn’t have the same appeal for my learners especially when I was teaching literacy. Also, there are so many more types of media available that using just text seems lazy almost. I decided to investigate the other media available and realized I felt intimidated by audio and video because I didn’t know enough about it.
I turned to the toolkit for more information and experience but I think creating my digital story gave me the true insight I needed. Once I decided to use the free online program, things became fun. I was able to create a story with personal meaning using music of my choice and then share it will all my friends and family.
I’m now interested in learning as much as I can about the multimedia freely available online so that I can find tools to use with my learners that are easy to use and engaging. Go to my digital story page to view my video of England and then visit to create your own fun show.