Sustainability in Social Enterprise

In Beini Chen’s blog post, A Leading Social Enterprise: Right to Play, Beini discusses social entrepreneurship and talks about the elements that characterize a philanthropic organization. Right to Play is an organization that uses sports to promote child development in disadvantaged parts of the world. This enterprise is sustainable because many of the children that participate in their events later proceed to join the group, making the group sustainable. The leaders of today teach the leaders of tomorrow.

Social enterprises are well received by the public for they do not function for their own self-interest and personal gain.  

One social enterprise that further defines sustainability is the Eden Project. The Eden Project, situated in Cornwall, UK, is home to the world’s largest greenhouse. It aims to help create a sustainable future that promotes the relationship between people and plants. Five million tourists visit the greenhouse every year, and the revenue the project earns pay for itself, and some of the leftover surplus goes towards environmental research.  This project sustains itself, sustains research, and sustains the world through environmental education. The Eden Project alone is enough of a reason for me to want to visit the UK.

Word count: 196

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