Author Archives: Brantford

Alberta: A Future Full of Energy

The Keystone Pipeline System transports Canadian crude oil for processing in the States. In 2010, these pipelines were created to link Canadian oil exports to Mid U.S. This system was planned to further expand to the Nebraska Sandhills, but has … Continue reading

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Ex-Apple Executive Talks about Customer Service

Ron Johnson, ex-Vice President of Retail Operations at Apple, recently posted a blog on Harvard Business Review. The blog talks about the importance of customer service and customer experience. Johnson recently became CEO of J.C. Penney, and is hoping to … Continue reading

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Sustainability in Social Enterprise

In Beini Chen’s blog post, A Leading Social Enterprise: Right to Play, Beini discusses social entrepreneurship and talks about the elements that characterize a philanthropic organization. Right to Play is an organization that uses sports to promote child development in … Continue reading

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Buying Groceries with Smartphones

Theodore Lau wrote about Home plus – a South Korean hypermarket that has a rather unique business model. Some of its sales come from neither retail stores nor online shopping; rather they come from somewhere in between.  The company has … Continue reading

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Entrepreneurship: Nissan – the Way They Move

Nissan Motor Company Ltd, launched in 1933, faced near-bankruptcy in 1999. Carlos Ghosn joined Nissan as chief operating officer and stated that he would remedy this problem and make the company profitable within a year. At the end of this … Continue reading

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Soul-searching in China as Run Over Child Left for Dead

A few weeks ago, a young girl was run over by two trucks in China. Over a dozen people passed by the dying toddler, few barely giving a glance. Eventually, a person walked by and looked for the girl’s parents. … Continue reading

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Dealing with Climate Change… Ineffectively

Many programs are being implemented to lessen the impact of today’s resource demanding society. One such example is the federal “Cash for Clunkers” program that seeks to lessen CO2 emissions. It pays individuals up to $4,500 to replace their older, … Continue reading

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One Opinion on Combatting Poverty

Scarcity is a word that often finds itself placed in many of the world’s contexts. The world’s scarce resources are undistributed to each person unevenly, so it is only natural that the problem of poverty arises in regions that are … Continue reading

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The Importance of KFC (or Naming for that Matter)

It takes years to build up brand recognition, but it may be worthwhile for an established company to change its name. Renaming a company to better capture its philosophy and value proposition is often a beneficial decision. A new name … Continue reading

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Have a Heart, Save a Hedge Fund

A prime reason for the 2008 financial crisis was lack of executive responsibility and values. Mary Gentile, a guest speaker for Ivey School of Business’ Transcendent Leadership course, speaks of the idea of good values leading to a good bottom … Continue reading

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