All posts by BrentHanover

Introduction to English 301

From my 4 years working as an engineer and many other positions throughout my life, I understand the necessity of technical communication. This can be in person, over email, through messaging apps, via formal reports, even sending a fax is considered technical communication if you’re communicating in a professional manner. Communication is an absolutely essential skill and those with better communication skills always do better in their professional careers.

English 301 aims to improve the technical communication skills of the students taking it through a system of learning objectives. Writing in business, professional, and technical contexts are covered, and students will be creating short and long assignments with emphasis on peer review and discussion. Students will be keeping a blog with all of their assignments posted on it, and will also be working on an online portfolio that is comprised of two parts. The first part is a LinkedIn profile with appropriate references, and the second is a professionally designed website that acts as a resume. Ultimately, this course strives to encourage the student to improve their writing and self-editing skills in an effort to improve all aspects of their technical communication skills.