Brenton Chin's Blog

Should Wal-Mart pay its employees more?

September 17th, 2010 · No Comments

Did you know 44 million Americans live in poverty? That’s quite a bit.. As an article in the Financial Post describes, inequality in the country is getting more extreme every single day. The richest 1% of the country owns a third of the country’s assets and the poorer 50% owns less than 2.5%. A shocking statistic, I must say.

Walmart employs 2.1 million people. In the United States alone, the company employs 1.4 million people.

Meanwhile, Wal-Mart, yes, that huge corporate giant grossed over 400 million dollars in just the last year.. 400 million!!!

Walmart employs an astounding 2.1 million people.  In the United States alone, the company employs 1.4 million people.  This is a staggering 1% of the U.S.’s 140 million working population!!! Based on this statistic alone, people are aruging that Walmart is very much part of our stunted economy’s problem

I think that since Walmart is profiting so much every single year, they can definitely afford to pay their associates a bit more. Based on the graph I found online (above), Walmart employees make considerbly less than the average income of Vancouver workers. Although the average employee does make well above the minimum wage, the article says the average worker gets paid $20,744 a year, which, if in a one-earner household, is below the 22,000 poverty line.

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