Brenton Chin's Blog

iPhone and its competitors

September 21st, 2010 · No Comments

Well, with so many new cool cell phones on the market, the iPhone is having a run for its money. With the evermost sleek and advanced smartphones being introduced to the public, such as Google`s Nexus One, any Android phone and Research in Motion`s Blackberry Torch, the unthinkable has happened: and the dominance of Apple`s iPhone is slipping.

The iPhone had once claimed a huge portion of all smartphone purchases, but now its share in the market is diminishing. This seems as though it would cause alarm to Apple executive and Apple shareholders, but the opposite is true. This is the case as though Apple`s sales may be slipping, they still hold the highest share of PROFIT MARGIN than any other smartphone company

In my opinion, I feel Apple is a marketing genius. When I think of Apple products, I think “quality”, because all their products are made to be functional and user-friendly. I feel this way because that is the way Apple has positioned their products, and have successfully achieved this through the exceptional marketing of every single one of their products.  Although Apple products are more expensive than other competitors, I feel the perceived quality of their products is what drives consumers to purchase Apple products, which has raised their profitability to such an extent.

So Apple has a smart business strategy: even though they arent selling as many units as other cell phone companies, Apple retains, by FAR, the most profit. Are you guys as congratulatory of Apple as I am?

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