Brenton Chin's Blog

Will NFC Technology Eliminate The Need for Wallets?

October 4th, 2014 · No Comments

Are the days of searching for your wallet finally past us? With Apple’s introduction of “Apple Pay”, they claim it will change how the world pays with its new payment technology that is built right into the new iPhone 6.

This new technology is called “Near Field Communication”, where one has the ability to  make in-store payments with their iPhone 6 by holding it next to a store’s “contactless reader” which will then process the payment.

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As it stands, the three major credit card companies have all signed up for this service – Mastercard, VISA and AMEX. Furthermore, in the states, big retailers like McDoanlds, Duane Reade, Whole Foods & Macy’s have all shown their support by adopting this service.

The fact that Apple has been able to garner this level of support from these major retailers speaks miles as to how influential Apple is. Their innovation has the power to alter the way people make payments, and essentially, it changes how society goes about their day to day to life.

I think that this technology will make plastic cards such as credit cards & membership cards obsolete in the next 50 years. It will be very strange to live in a world where the only thing you need to bring when you go out being a smartphone.

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