Brenton Chin's Blog

Why Monday is an E-Retailer’s Favorite Day of the Week

November 4th, 2014 · No Comments

Hey everyone – I came across an interesting article that talks about the day of the week that overwhelmingly outperforms the other days in online sales. And that day is none other than Monday.

Very interesting, as I would have thought the weekend was the busiest day as people have free time to browse the internet for things to purchase. However, according to market researchers, it turns out is that the weekends are the quietest time as people spend least time on their computers. If I were to choose from a weekday, I would have thought Friday was the busiest as it is the “classic” day to slack off in the office.

But nope! It is Monday that is the biggest for online spenders. The primary reason is that people spend less time on their computers during the weekend, and so when they get to the office on Monday, they want to shop. Experts are saying that online shopping is an indulgent way to ease back into the workweek and to finish errands that could not be finished over the weekend.


On a related note, I found a cool infographic on online shopping and why people prefer it over shopping offline. As I’ve mentioned throughout my blog, I’m not the biggest online shopper, but I can definitely see why the biggest factor for people is the fact it saves time – with 73% consumers reporting time saving as a primary reason to shop online. I prefer using the internet and online stores in conjunction with shopping in-store. You get the best of both worlds this way!


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