Google does open content, MIT does Blip.TV, Leigh Blackall does awesome bloggage

I knew that Yahoo had a Creative Commons search capability, but I hadn’t realized that the same functionality exists in Google’s Advanced Search:

Our “Usage Rights” feature helps you find published content — including music, photos, movies, books, and educational materials — that you can share or modify above and beyond fair use.

If you set the search filter to “free to use or share,” you’ll get results that you can copy or redistribute. If you set the filter to “free to modify,” you’ll get results that you can use, share, or modify. (Please be sure to select “even commercially” if you want to use a work commercially.) If you leave the filter at “not filtered by license,” you’ll simply get standard, unfiltered Google results.

Via Steve Carson (see the Open Fiction Project and MIT’s OpenCourseWare), over on the newish blog Wide Open Education, dedicated to open source and open content issues in the field.

Speaking of MIT and open content, colour me impressed with the MIT TechTV site built on top of I’ve been a fan of’s service for some time (reliable performance even with large files, open source and open license friendly, much more reasonable terms of use than YouTube). I’m making inquiries to see if this is a one-off collaboration, or if this is the harbinger of some sort of service we might be able to tap into here… it sure makes more sense than how we tend to approach online video now. Updates soon, I hope.

And speaking of online video, Leigh Blackall endorses this nifty multi-system video uploader.

And speaking of Leigh Blackall, don’t miss this provocative interview with the proprietor of an online essay writing service. Rethink our roles and practices indeed…

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...
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