Trick or Treat with The Beat

Posted by: | October 31, 2010 | Leave a Comment

Taking advantage of an already large audience, The Beat uses Halloween trick or treating to create an advertising gimmick. The Beat 94.5, for those who won’t know, is probably Vancouver’s most popular radio station, which plays mainstream hit music. The contest “Trick or Treat with The Beat” is simple. At each house, (presumably within Vancouver), […]

The Weak Shop

Posted by: | October 23, 2010 | Leave a Comment

I’ve seen this ad on TV several times now, and finally found it! This ad is great not only because it’s funny, but because I actually want to try their fake product! Although $99.99 is a bit steep, I’d still want to try it. I’ve always wondered how much easier life would be if I […]

. . I think that Dove’s campaign is incredibly effective in that it can reach their target market by sympathizing with the feeling many women have; that they are not as attractive as many models or celebrities. At a time when technology allows us to greatly augment physical appearances in pictures and movies, many people […]

Why I Never Drink Pepsi

Posted by: | October 10, 2010 | Leave a Comment

Two of many Pepsi ads with similar messages: I hate commercials that attempt to explicitly undermine competitors. Why can’t Pepsi just advertise the merits of their own product? Or at least have a creative way of increasing brand awareness. On the basis of their commercials, I’d pick Coke every time. At least Swiffer shows how […]

So clever. So cool. So neat. .. And that’s genius. If not for their great advertisements and delicious food I’d stop going to McDonalds. Who wouldn’t want to eat at a restaurant advertised by such smart, smart people?

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