The Weak Shop

Posted by: | October 23, 2010 | Leave a Comment

I’ve seen this ad on TV several times now, and finally found it!

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This ad is great not only because it’s funny, but because I actually want to try their fake product! Although $99.99 is a bit steep, I’d still want to try it. I’ve always wondered how much easier life would be if I could conveniently blend all my food.

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Now this one is a bit ridiculous, but at the same time, when I watch the advertisement, I kind of think it would be cool to have seat pants. If it’s lightweight, it could be really useful, such as when I’m lining up to buy textbooks at the beginning of each term! The only downside would be that you have to walk around with it dangling off your behind.

What I really enjoy about a lot of commercials these days is the suspense they can build, or the unpredictability. Many commercials focus less on the product and product information, but instead try to entertain. This may be due to the fact that most people already understand what the products are, or because these days there’s little incentive to sit through commercials when any television show is available on the internet.

Commercials with great music, random cute animals, or abstract silhouette dancing are great! I actually watch them.

Two more of the milk infomercials are The Wallet Walker and The Support Hat, for those interested.


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